Commissioned by the city of Genk, Endeavour worked together with Space&Matter on the implementation and realisation of the masterplan LO2020, drawn up by BUUR in 2008. Due to the complexity of the assignment, seven years after its drawing up it was discovered that, for various reasons, a number of subprojects could not be started or executed.

How can we integrate a flexible development logic and use innovative tools to establish sustainable partnerships between various actors and make the role of the coordinator superfluous?

Within the Open Map, degrees of freedom can be created to adjust to market demands. After all, it is the market that will have to embrace the development in order to realise a lively and diverse residential district.

Based on the various workshops with groups of residents in a workshop container, it became clear that additional interventions foreseen in the forest from the master plan are not appropriate at this time.

In collaboration with Choco, we developed De Meiboom, a platform where developments can take place according to the principles of the Open Card.